Community Charitable Gaming Associations support community groups that are applying for a Community Gaming Grant.
Community Charitable Gaming Associations are volunteer governed non-profit societies that are regionally based. Their purpose is to assist community groups to make a strong community gaming grant application.
The Community Charitable Gaming Association is funded with a Community Gaming Grant and typically has a paid facilitator or coordinator who is available to work with you prepare your grant application. They provide grant writing information workshops and guidance in preparing the annual Gaming Account Summary Report. In the event that your application is denied or if there are concerns raised and changes needed – either to the application or to internal accountability processes – the CCGA’s are available to support you to be successful in your application.
CCGA’s work closely with the BC Association for Charitable Gaming as the provincial coordinating group and are in place to be a liaison and conduit between community groups and the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch of the Ministry of Finance which processes the grants and the Ministry of Community Sport and Cultural Development which disburses the grants.
Starting a new CCGA
Community Charitable Gaming Associations cover large regions, serving most parts of the Province. In 2011 Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch published the purpose as Facilitate communication and the effective flow and exchange of information between GPEB and recipients of community gaming grants in B.C. There are opportunities to organize groups in all of the regions and we want to talk to you if you’re interested in being involved.
Following is a link to the Arts BC webpage which has a solid set of resources to assist with setting up a non-profit. The Partnership Handbook by Flo Frank and Anne Smith is a good resource for bringing people and groups together and covers the steps of aligning interests and forming the partnership that is represented by a CCGA. The Community Charitable Gaming Association represents and communicates with community groups as diverse as the sectors funded in the region that it is situated.